The gas supply should be restored in the coming days for a normal start to the heating season

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If in the near future KP "Kyivteploenergo" fails to conclude a contract for the supply of gas with JSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine", then the timely start of the heating season in Kyiv will be in jeopardy. This was stated by T. v. at. director of KP "Kyivteploenergo" Vyacheslav Bind during a press briefing at KMDA.

"The later we get gas to our sources, the longer it will take us to enter the heating season. We need about a week to warm up the networks. At this time, we expect a large number of damages - no less than those found during hydraulic tests. They will need to be liquidated in a very short period of time", - says the head of KP "Kyivteploenergo".

Also, according to Vyacheslav Bind, the lack of gas supply to energy sources during hydraulic tests can cause additional damage to networks. Namely: a change in the temperature of the heat carrier causes an extension of the pipeline, which provokes damage to the pipes.

In addition, in order to maintain the networks in proper condition, water for their use must be prepared: it must be cleaned of salts, remove oxygen, which provokes corrosion of pipes.

"If the capital CHP-6 today operates a steam boiler, which allows heating water and removing oxygen from it, thereby saving networks from corrosion, then the shutdown of CHP-5 today may lead to the fact that there will be no steam and it will be necessary to supply unprepared water to network And this is about 700 tons of water per hour. This is critical enough for networks. Therefore, we need to maintain the operating level of the thermal power plant, that is, its minimum operation in order to supply steam to the network. This is necessary to maintain the electrical reliability of the capital's power hub. After all, if the operation of CHP-5 is suspended, the repair program of the entire central power system of the city will be stopped. After all, CHP-5 is a voltage regulating station of the entire network of the city," Vyacheslav Bind said.

That is why KP "Kyivteploenergo" and KMDA are doing everything possible to resolve the issue with NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine" as soon as possible and conclude a gas supply contract. After all, if it is not possible to solve this issue in the coming days, KP "Kyivteploenergo" will have to conclude a temporary contract for the purchase of gas with another supplier in order to support the uninterrupted operation of TPP-5.

It is worth noting that, despite the lack of a stable gas supply, KP "Kyivteploenergo" works as usual and prepares the city's heat networks for winter.

"As of today, KP "Kyivteploenergo" has conducted hydraulic tests of more than 90% of networks and sources. That is, preparations for the heating season are going on as usual. We have already eliminated about 4,5 hydraulic and operational damages. 1,5–2 thousand of which are damages discovered during hydraulic tests,” said Vyacheslav Bind.