"Kyivpastrans" is changing the appearance of travel tickets

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Kiyanka won the famous Miss Eco International-2024 beauty contest

"Miss Universe Ukraine"-2023, Angelina Usanova from Kyiv successfully represented Ukraine at the Miss Eco International-2024 international beauty pageant, the final of which was held tonight at the Triumph Hotel in Cairo, Egypt.

What you won't see in the capital's subway. No comments

In Kyiv, in a subway car, passengers encountered the inappropriate behavior of a woman who took off her jacket and began to show her bare breasts to others. 

Renting an apartment in the capital is a very expensive pleasure

In Kyiv, housing prices continue to rise steadily. This applies to both the primary and secondary real estate market. In this regard, the cost of renting apartments in the capital is also at a fairly high level.

Kyiv will host an unprecedented Easter egg festival. Never!

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine in cooperation with the NGO "Institute of Culture of Ukraine", the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine and UNIT.CITY are organizing the Ukrainian Easter Egg Festival.

Calculated the premium for himself. And what was possible?

The Sviatoshyn police department received a notification from the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption that during the inspection, the fact of illegal awarding of bonuses to an official was revealed.


«Київпастранс» традиційно оновлює дизайн разових проїзних квитків для наземного громадського транспорту. Про це повідомило підприємство.

Так, за новим дизайном, разові квитки створені за мотивами весни.

Як нагадали у комунальному підприємстві, традиційне оновлення дизайну квитків робиться задля унеможливлення випадків їх підробки.

Нагадаємо, що квитки дійсні для проїзду у автобусі, тролейбусі та трамваї.
